In the Mexican Caribbean you can practice scuba diving in the presence of eight and up to 15 bull sharks just five minutes from the coast.
They say that paradise is not found in the sky, but in the sea, not for nothing the explorer of
the seas, Jaques-Yves Cousteau, dedicated his life to investigate the ocean and the waters of
the Mexican Caribbean are not left behind, being home of different marine species, including the bull shark.
That species that can reach 3.5 meters in length and more than 300 kilograms in weight, feeds on fish,
rays and even other sharks.
It is presumed that it is one of the animals with higher levels of testosterone in the blood, which
makes them extremely aggressive and with a careful temperament, even in females they have levels that
reach those of an African elephant in heat.
Immersion with the fearsome
One of the most sought after activities by professional divers and adrenaline lovers is to dive with that species.
The most popular places to do this activity are the Fiji Islands; Jupiter, Florida and Playa del Carmen, Mexico,
where it is possible to practice diving in the presence of eight and up to 15 sharks.
Mexico has one of the best places to do it; from November to March, and sometimes in April, which
is when they come to give birth to their young.
It is an immersion for advanced divers that takes place at 80 feet of depth for 25 minutes, a place
that is only five minutes from the coast.
The divers are not part of their diet and the sharks are not there to threaten or devour them, therefore,
in the time that this activity has been carried out in Playa del Carmen, there has been no accident of
a shark bite.
When living with the species it is possible to notice that they only show interest in the bait that is
offered to them, which causes safety to the divers, even though it is one of the most feared sharks that exist.
At the time of diving with them, what most attracts attention is the image that several have of the shark:
corpulent, with the nose slightly flattened and provided with several rows of teeth capable of slicing in
fractions of seconds to its prey.
At the end of the dive there is a feeling of empathy and admiration before these predators, who impose on
the seas as kings of that paradise.
Who to go with?
There are at least six registered operators with extensive experience to carry out this activity,
among which are Dive Mike and Octavio Bull Shark Diving.
Highlights Phantom Divers, by Jorge “el Chino” Loria pioneer in diving with bull sharks in the Mexican Caribbean.
Conservation of the species
Annually more than 75 million sharks are killed in our seas; They are a vital species that maintains equilibrium
in the marine ecosystem, which is why actions must be taken to promote their conservation.
They have heard or read comments of outrage over the hunting of dolphins or elephants, but rarely, when the
dead are sharks.
Therefore, the work done by dive operators becomes so important, making people aware and allocating part of
their profits to the preservation of Caribbean sharks through the organization created by passionate
conservationists Saving Our Sharks.
Ryan Gravel is an American real estate broker and developer. He
began his career at a young age working for his family owned
construction company.
After graduating college at the University of Central Florida with
a degree in business, Ryan set out to find untapped prolific markets
around the world. His search landed him in Playa del Carmen, Mexico
where he founded Virgin Realty Mexico and co-founded the Saatal
Development Group one of the fastest growing development companies
in the Riviera Maya.
With extensive market knowledge, professionalism, etiquette,
innovation and integrity Ryan
is known as one of the most highly respected real estate advisors in the region.